Genre Studies- Unit- III Catastrophe


                Catastrophe is a final resolution that appears in a narrative plot or a long poem

                It unravels the mystery or intrigue, and brings the story towards a logical end.

                In a tragedy, it could be the depth of a protagonist or other character and in a comedy; it could be the union of major characters.

                Catastrophe is a synonym of denouement. It is, in fact, the final part following protasis, epitasis and catasis.



                In the simple catastrophe, the main characters do not undergo any change, nor does anything unravel; the plot merely serves as a passage. Simple catastrophe usually appears in epic poems rather than in tragedies.


                Complex catastrophe is a very common tool, in which the protagonist either undergoes a major change or fortune. This type of change is probable and necessary to resolving the plot. Complex catastrophe usually appears in Novels, plays , movies and theatrical performances.


ROMEO JULIET (by William Shakespeare)

                There are multiple characters who invited catastrophe in the play “Romeo and Juliet”. However Romeo himself was invited the worst type of catastrophe after he kills tybalt. Everything in his and Juliet life crumbles after that; as a result, Romeo faces a period of exile, leading to a number of other catastrophic events.  Had Romeo not killed Tybalt, Friar would have provided a much better plan to hide Juliet, rather than using poison.

                The best scene of catastrophe happens in Act V – scene III in which the full of Paris and two lovers occurs.  After the tragic conclusion of the love scene, friar tells about the marriage and intrigue. The love ends with the star crossed lovers.


                The function of a catastrophe is to unravel the plot in the story. It comes after the falling action. It, In fact, serves as a conclusion of the narrative, when the conflict in the story in question is resolved.

Catastrophe returns the situation to normal, as the characters experience catharsis and the readers feel  a sense of relief catastrophe is also a moment when the protagonist faces the world with a new outlook. It testes human qualities and makes readers decide if the characters is good or bad.


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