


Noun can be classified into 2 main classes. They are,

Concrete Noun and Abstract Noun.

  What are Concrete Nouns?

Concrete Nouns are name of the person or things or animals that which we can touch and see. They are physically or materially.

Example: Mohan, Delhi, Lion, Table, Chair.

Concrete Noun can be subdivided into 4 groups.

1.Proper Noun

2.Common Noun

3.Collective Noun

4.Material Noun

1.      Proper Noun

Names of a particular person or things or places are called proper Noun. It is usually begins with a capital letter.

Eg. Govind, John, Delhi, Everest

2.      Common Noun

             Names that can be applied to anyone of a class of persons, place or things.

            Eg. Boy, king, mountain, river, tree.

            Some proper nouns can be used as common noun.

             Eg. He is the Shakespeare of our age (the greatest dramatist)

             Valmiki is the Homer of India (greatest epic poet)

             Mumbai is the Manchester of the East (greatest cloth manufacturing city)

3.      Collective noun

Names of a group of persons or object of the same kind, considered as a single whole. Collective noun is usually singular.

Eg . A crowd of people

      A team of player.

Collective Noun is used as a plural is followed by a plural verb.It is called noun of multitude.

Eg. The jury were unable to agree on a point.

       The committee were divided in their opinion.

4.      Material Noun

Names of materials or substances out which of things are made are called Material noun.

Eg. The balloon is made of rubber.

The bottle is made of glass.


Masculine Gender

All names of male animals or persons are of the Masculine Gender.

Eg. Boy, hero, king, father

Feminine Gender

All names of female animals or persons are of the feminine Gender.

Eg. Girl, heroine,queen, mother

Common Gender

Names that can be applied to both male and female are called common Gender.

Eg.Child, teacher, pupil, neighbor, friend.

Neuter Gender

Things which do not have a life like an animal or humans are of Neuter Gender.

Eg. Tree, chair, room

 Abstract Noun and collective noun are regarded as belonging to Neuter Gender.

       Eg. Crowd , gang , beauty, truth

 What are Abstract Nouns?

        Abstract Nouns are name of things that we can only think of, but cannot touch and see. They have no physical existence. They express a quality, a state, a feeling, or an action or a system of thought.

            Example: patience, quality (quality)

               Youth, death (state)

               Logic (system of thought)


Ways of forming Feminine

1.By Using separate words.

Eg. king. - Queen

Boy - girl

Brother - sister


2. By adding -ess to the masculine.

Eg. heir- heiress

Actor - actress

Lion - lioness


3.By adding a word indicating a sex before or after the main word.

Eg.Milk man - Milk maid

Peacock - peahen.

Land lord- landlady





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